Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Classics Challenge- December Prompt.

So, here's the last installment of the Classics Challenge Prompts. It's been a great challenge to take part in and despite the crazy year I've had, I've actually managed to stay on track with my reading schedule. More or less. So here's this month's prompt:

Link to your favorite Classic Literature post you've written this year, it doesn't have to be related to this challenge. Just something you'd enjoy sharing.

Or make a list of what you read for the challenge, you could compare it to your original list drawn up late 2011 when you were planning what to read, link to the posts you've written for the challenge, how many authors you've read or any little stat or detail you'd like to share.

Ok, so my favorite classic read this year and my favorite review too is Mrs Dalloway. It stayed with me long after I'd read it and the post that followed, was one of my longer ones. It would have been a lot longer still had I not pruned it drastically. Didn't want to test the patience of my readers.

Here's my list of books read for this challenge. If you click on the names it will lead you to my post about the book.  

  1. Midsummer Nights Dream
  2. A Connecticut Yankee in KingArthurs Court
  3. Daddy Long Legs
  4. Mrs Dalloway
  5. Animal Farm
  6. Of Mice and Men
  7. The House of Seven Gables
I have read all the books I intended to and I've posted on 7 prompts so far. I think. So that makes this a successfully completed challenge for me. And I enjoyed every minute of it too. 


  1. Congrats on completing the challenge--nice set of books that you read. I've tried Woolf a few times and she and I are just not compatible,I think, though Mrs. D has been recommended many times to me. I think the trick might be being in the exact right mood!

  2. Well done in finishing. I am still reading this months book. Haven't been able to pick it up in a week so I'm not sure if I will have the chance to finish the challenge.
